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The Continued Battle for a Life of Happiness

I’ve really struggled this month with staying positive and I’ve been feeling discouraged by a slight relapse into negative thinking patterns. I’ve also been saddened by the sudden lost a friend this week, who was a genuinely good person and had a kind authentic soul. But the other day I came across the following quote:

we create our own reality

and later on I found this: happiness quality of thoughts

These quotes helped to re-frame how I’ve been thinking lately and spurred the following thoughts I jotted down in my journal last night:

“I am just realizing I have been stuck inside my head these last few weeks and started to really believe that the negative thoughts I have about myself are the truth of who I am. I need to remind myself that I don’t have to live a life where I am unhappy and dislike myself.

I am responsible for my own happiness and for creating my own reality. I want to create a life built on love- love for myself and for others- a life where I find and focus on joy and happiness in every moment instead of choosing to focus on the negative. happy thoughts quoteI want to get back to the basics of life, an honest, authentic and unselfishness life invested in the happiness of the people around me- a life where I truly believe I am enough and worthy of love, worthy of happiness…A life where I choose to forgive myself for the mistakes I’ve made and the hurt I’ve done to myself and where I choose forgiveness towards others that I feel have wronged me instead of holding onto anger and resentment.

I can have that life. anyone can have that life.

I just have to continually remind myself of this especially when I start to feel I am sliding into the false world I created for myself based on negative thinking and behavioral patterns.

I am more than my thoughts & there is more to life outside my head and  self-obsession.

I choose to make a life of love and joy- and I choose to continue to fight for that life for as long as it takes.”

This is my mantra and affirmation for the month of January 2015.

p.s. (I’m not even sure if anyone else struggles to remember these things, but you aren’t alone if you do. )

p.p.s. sorry for the self-absorbed focus, but I guess that’s what a blog is aye?


My Journey to Myself, MY 2015 Goals and Learning to Love Life

